

  • The Problematic of the Stranger Concept
  • よそ者概念の問題機制--「専門家のまなざし」と「移民のまなざし」の比較から
  • ヨソモノ ガイネン ノ モンダイキセイ センモンカ ノ マナザシ ト イミン ノ マナザシ ノ ヒカク カラ
  • 「専門家のまなざし」と「移民のまなざし」の比較から
  • On the“Specialist's Eyes” and the “Immigrant's Eyes”



In this article, I have two aims: (1) to explore the problematic of the stranger concept, and the definitions of the stranger by G. Simmel and A. Schutz, and (2) to consider the sociological significance of the stranger's eyes.<br> First, I examine the frame of reference by which we can analyze the various situations that strangers find themselves in. In sociological works regarding the stranger, the two analytical axes suggested by L. Harman, "proximity" and "membership orientation", are quite useful to construct the ideal types of stranger.<br> With reference to Harman's work, I see Simmel's stranger as fitting the "specialist" model, and Schutz's as the "immigrant" model. These categories make clear the different contexts in which two authors defined the stranger concept, and show the features of the "specialist's eyes" and the "immigrant's eyes".<br> On the one hand, Simmel defined the stranger (der Fremde) as the one "who comes today and stays tomorrow", that is, "the potential wonderer" as typified by the trader and the judge who are invited from outside. These specialists have a wide perspective and are free from the conventions and prejudices of the host society. The stranger, as specialist, sees the world fairly from a bird's-eye view, and brings new ideas and useful advice to the host society.<br> On the other hand, Schutz conceptualized the stranger as the immigrant, as the one who tries to be permanently accepted or tolerated by the host society. For this type of stranger, new life in the host society is a kind of "crisis" because he/she lacks the useful guidance for action. Thus, the stranger, as immigrant, sees the host society with a strong interest, and pursues knowledge as a "recipe" for his/her new social life. Through the quest for new "recipes", the stranger, as immigrant, visualize the "crisis" which is difficult to notice from the standpoint of the insider.


  • ソシオロジ

    ソシオロジ 49 (3), 3-18,140, 2005


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