Goodness and complexity of dot patterns in a matrix framework based on a group theoretical model

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  • 群論モデルにもとづく正方行列枠中の要素パターンに対する良さと複雑さ
  • グンロン モデル ニ モトズク セイカタ ギョウレツワク チュウ ノ ヨウソ パターン ニ タイスル ヨサ ト フクザツ サ

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<p>The group theoretical model of symmetry cognition (Hamada et al., 2016) was tested based on goodness and complexity judgments of dot patterns in a matrix framework. These patterns were divided into cyclic group patterns, determined by the number of rotations, and dihedral group patterns, determined by the number of reflection axes. The former have rotational symmetries and the latter reflectional and rotational symmetries. Undergraduates (N=104) rated the goodness or complexity of 21-dot compound patterns. The goodness and simplicity of these patterns in both their original form and with partially expanded frameworks increased monotonously with the number of transformations. Partially expanding a pattern influenced the goodness of cyclic groups with one transformation, but not the goodness of dihedral groups. Partially expanding a pattern did have an effect on the complexity of both groups, but only with a large number of transformations. For patterns with 4 transformations, the goodness and simplicity of dihedral patterns were higher than those of cyclic group patterns. Furthermore, grouping effects influenced complexity but not goodness judgments.</p>


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