The current state of smoking cessation support provided by nurses


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  • 禁煙外来専任看護師の禁煙支援の実態

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Abstract: This survey described smoking cessation support conducted by nurses. Then, it clarified the relationship between satisfaction and success rates.<br>Method: We conducted a self-administered questionnaire survey of 84 female nurses working in smoking cessation .<br>Result: Smoking cessation support skills were completed through visual media and communication. “Sense of fulfillment” was associated with continuous years of employment and “reasons for engaging in smoking cessation treatment.” The results indicated a significant difference for the presence or absence of an appointment system for patients. The percentage of smokers in nurses’ families was 23.8% and there were differences in “sense of fulfillment” and their support. Of the nurses, 95.2% wanted to attend workshops.<br>Discussion: This study suggested that taking advantage of their experience led to satisfaction in smoking cessation. This study also suggested that continuous training and supporting the nurse was necessary if there was a smoking family member.<br>Conclusion: Experience, reasons for engaging in smoking cessation treatment, and non-smoking family members were factors significantly related to nursing skill in smoking cessation support. They also related to job satisfaction.


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