

  • The Relationship between a Child Care Worker and a Researcher in Their Narratives :
  • 語りの場における保育者と研究者の関係--保育臨床の視点から
  • カタリ ノ バ ニ オケル ホイクシャ ト ケンキュウシャ ノ カンケイ ホイク リンショウ ノ シテン カラ
  • ―保育臨床の視点から―
  • From a Clinical Viewpoint of Child Care



This study is a cooperative study conducted by a child care worker and a researcher. The researcher observed her care activities and after each session of child care, they discussed her care. This study analyzed their narratives to examine how the child care worker made decisions about her child care. The result shows that there are two stages in the narratives. In the first stage; both the child care worker and the researcher were in a psychologically equal position, or a sort of "parallel relationship," as the child care worker narrated what she thought in her daily care. This stage is based on their wish to understand each other. This relationship led to what might be termed "the conversational relationship." In the conversational relationship, they formed cooperative contexts for child care. These features suggest that such a relationship between a child care worker and a researcher is as important in a clinical narrative setting as in a conference for child care.


  • 保育学研究

    保育学研究 46 (2), 148-157, 2008

    一般社団法人 日本保育学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

