Kaiti Playcentre in Gisborne, New Zealand The Contribution of Jane Symes

  • Satoh Junko
    Waseda University, Graduate School of Human Science Studies

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Other Title
  • 親子共育の現場から : Jane Symesのプレイセンターに対する貢献


Jane Symes was president of Kaiti Playcentre from 2001 to 2005. She also achieved success at the Tairawhiti Playcentre Association, which controlled the Playcentres in Gisborne area In October 2002, she was elected to the Association's Board of Governance. During this time, she managed the centre's advisor portfolio, education portfolio, and was elected President. Her major achievements include: (1) the relocation of the association office and Playcentre shop, (2) attending the national executive conference in Christchurch, (3) evaluation and planning for improving their bi-cultural relationships between Maori and European communities/families within Playcentre. Currently she works for delivering adult education workshops, and as an approved commentator for completed adult education courses. She enjoys and is passionate about both her roles which support parents to develop their knowledge and skills as parents and educators of their children. The most rewarding outcome is the empowerment for children's growth and development in a family based nurturing environment. She continues to attend Kaiti Playcentre supporting her youngest son Kairo. Kaiti Playcentre is a "special place of belonging" for Jane and her family now. If you ever get the opportunity to visit Gisborne, New Zealand, the first city in the world to see the sun, remember to call Jane and see her and other members in Kaiti Playcentre. It will be their honor to host you.


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