The Necessity of Our Self-Knowledge as Scholars of Japanese Literature : Introduction(<Special Issue>Towards the 21st-Century Studies and Education of Japanese Literature)
- Tsuboi Hideto
- 名古屋大学
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- Other Title
- <国文学>者の自己点検 : イントロダクション(<特集>二十一世紀の「日本文学」研究・教育)
- <国文学>者の自己点検--イントロダクション
- コクブンガク シャ ノ ジコ テンケン イントロダクション
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As is best seen in the anachronistic ceremony for the tenth anniversary of the Emperor's reign, attempts to give the nation a false identity under the insubstantial symbolism are deplorably in progress. Such insubstantiality of this age also seems to appear in the academic area in the form of the present aimless reform. So now it is time to critically review the discipline of Japanese literature because it is one of the most representative twentieth-century academic institutions. Mainly, criticizing a nationalistic trend philology and historicism have and tracing the mutation of those literary studies in the postwar period, here I will insist on our need to re-consider our social function as a literature scholar.
- Japanese Literature
Japanese Literature 49 (1), 21-31, 2000
Japanese Literature Association
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282680755349760
- NII Article ID
- 110009904439
- NII Book ID
- AN00197092
- 24241202
- 03869903
- 4961503
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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