パラデイグマとしてのヘルクレスとオレステス : Aeneis第6・8巻とOdysseia第1-4・11巻の対応


  • Hercules and Orestes as Paradeigma : Aeneid VI, VIII and Odyssey I-IV, XI
  • パラデイグマ トシテノ ヘルクレス ト オレステス Aeneis ダイ 6 8



The purpose of this paper is to show Hercules' role in the Aen., especially in the Hercules-Cacus episode (8.185ff.) , by examining the correspondence of Hercules in the Aen. to Orestes in the Od. It is well known that Aeneas' journey to Pallanteum in Aen. VIII is modelled on Telemachus' journey to Pylos in Od. III. In Aen. 8.362-5, Euander encourages Aeneas to follow Hercules' example, just as Nestor encourages Telemachus to follow Orestes' example in Od. 3.199-200. Hence there is correspondence of Hercules in the Aen. to Orestes in the Od. as paradeigma (en exemplar). Orestes is mentioned in Od. I, III, IV, XI. Od. I-IV(the story of Telemachus)correspond to Aen. VIII, and Od. XI clearly corresponds to Aen. VI. Hercules plays an important part in Aen. VI and VIII(a parallel to Aeneas and Augustus), like Orestes in Od. I-IV and XI, who is a parallel to Odysseus and Telemachus as an avenger. In this respect, Aen. VI and VIII correspond to Od. I-IV and XI. This view is cofirmed through the correspondence of the prophets, i.e. Sibylla(Aen. VI) , Tiberinus(Aen. VIII) , Teiresias (Od. XI), and Proteus(Od. IV). Now the Hercules-Cacus episode in Aen. VIII, like the Orestes story in the Od., contains the motives of 'treachery' and 'revenge'. In this episode, Hercules is called an avenger(8.201 ultor), and Cacus uses treachery(206 dolus). Likewise, in the Od., Agamemnon's death through the treachery of Aegisthus is told, Orestes is cited as an examplar of revenge, and the method of revenge by Odysseus and Telemachus comes into question(by treachery or openly : 1.296, 11. 120). Hence I suggest the following two points : (1) The motive of 'treachery or valor' (cf. 2.390 dolus an uirtus) is indicated in this episode. Hercules' uirtus, in contrast to Cacus' dolus, is recalled from Aen. VI(122-31, 801-6). (2) Hercules' victory over Cacus foreshadows Aeneas' victory over Turnus, just as Orestes' revenge on Aegisthus corresponds to Odysseus and Telemachus' revenge on the suitors. Therefore, considering the correspondence of Hercules and Orestes, Turnus corresponds to the suitors in the Od. as a man who should be killed. In conclusion, Hercules is described as paradeigma of an avenger by valor (not by treachery).


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