Development of crystal-oriented functional ceramics through magnetic orientation method and subsequent reaction sintering

  • Tanaka Satoshi
    Top Runner Incubation Center for Academia-Industry Fusion, Nagaoka University of Technology
  • Uematsu Keizo
    Department of Materials Science and Technology, Nagaoka University of Technology

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Other Title
  • 粒子複合分散技術を用いた高磁場配向機能性セラミックスの開発


<p>We have applied a high magnetic field to fabricate functional ceramics with textured structure. Bismuth titanate ceramics families, which are candidate for piezoelectric materials, were prepared through well-dispersed slurry preparation, orientation in a high magnetic field, and subsequent reaction sintering. a- and b- axis oriented bismuth titanate ceramics Bi4Ti3O12 had been prepared by a high magnetic field. In this study, the crystal oriented bismuth titanate families MBi4Ti4O15 (M=Ca, Sr, Ba) ceramics was fabricated by using oriented Bi4Ti3O12 particle and reaction sintering. The MBi4Ti4O15 (M=Ca, Sr, Ba), which has high coercive electric field and high piezoelectric properties, has been expected for application use. Bismuth titanate particles with about 1μm were used as host material. Reacted additives were perovskite titanate materials MTiO3 (M=Ca, Sr, Ba). Well-dispersed slurry was prepared by mixing bismuth titanate powders and other titanate powders. The slurry was poured into a mold and set in a magnetic field 10Tesla until drying. Bismuth titanate particles in the slurry were highly oriented in a magnetic field, that is, the dried powder compact was consist of highly oriented bismuth titanate particle Bi4Ti3O12 and random MTiO3 (M=Ca, Sr, Ba) particles. The crystal oriented MBi4Ti4O15 (M=Ca, Sr, Ba) ceramics with a,b-axis orientation were successfully produced after sintering. We examined the reaction sintering process between oriented bismuth titanate particle Bi4Ti3O12 and random MTiO3 (M=Ca, Sr, Ba) particle. Influence of particle size ratio of Bi4Ti3O12 and MTiO3 was discussed on the reaction and microstructure of MBi4Ti4O15 (M=Ca, Sr, Ba) ceramics.</p>


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