転業開拓団の「満洲」体験 : 「柏崎村」開拓団関係者の語りから


  • Experiences of the "Tengyo"-Settlement in Manchuria : Based on the Narratives of ex-Emigrants in Kashiwazaki Settlement
  • テンギョウ カイタクダン ノ マンシュウ タイケン カシワザキムラ カイタクダン カンケイシャ ノ カタリ カラ



This article focuses on the project of "Tengyo"-settlement, whose purpose was to move the "Tengyo-sya", non-peasant unemployed population produced through the wartime economic regulation policy, from Japan to Manchuria as agricultural settlements. The purposes of this article are; 1) to give the contour of this project, 2) to make clear the process of recruitment in Japan as well as their conditions in Kashiwazaki Settlement of Manchuria, paying attention to the differential character as a "Tengyo"-settlement, based on the narratives of ex-emigrants and their relatives. We could find this project strongly political, because it was planed as a part of the policy of human resource mobilization in the total war system. Japan's authorities were very indifference for settlers after emigration, although they were unfamiliar with agricultural cultivation. Without any political support, people could not reach to the stability of the farm management until the end of War. Even the conflict within the settlement had grown too much to be confronted with the crisis of destruction. We think that it came from the original nature of forced "Tengyo"-Settlement. Although it had been thought that the project of "Tengyo"-settlement was planed for the purpose of increasing food production of Japan, this analysis requires us to discuss it from the viewpoint of the larger national policy, too. We could find the contributions of this article in 3 points: Firstly, it could locate the project of "Tengyo"-settlement, ignored in former historical studies, in Manchurian emigration policy. Secondly, it could firstly make clear the actual conditions of "Tengyo"-settlers in Manchuria. Finally, we could show the significance to discuss more about the purpose of this project.


  • 農業史研究

    農業史研究 44 (0), 76-89, 2010


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