両大戦間期・下伊那地方の組合製糸と地域経済 : 小県と下伊那の比較検討(2011年度シンポジウム 戦前期長野県養蚕業と地域-小県郡と下伊那郡)


  • An Analysis of the Cooperative Silk-Reeling Filatures and Local Economy between the World Wars : A Comparative Study of Chiisagata and Shimoina(Symposium-2011- Sericulture Industry and Local Socio-economy in Nagano Prefecture in the Pre-war Period)
  • 両大戦間期・下伊那地方の組合製糸と地域経済 : 小県と下伊那の比較検討
  • リョウ タイセン カンキ ・ シタ イナ チホウ ノ クミアイ セイシ ト チイキ ケイザイ : ショウ ケン ト シタ イナ ノ ヒカク ケントウ



According to the historical research, in the Chiisagata area, local economies had been formed by the development of the silk industry up to the end of WWI. However, local economies became smaller and financial troubles got big due to the decline of the silk reeling industry after WWI. According to the author of this paper, on the other hand, in the Shimoina area in the 1920s, the cooperative Silk Reeling Filatures were developed and autonomic development of the local economy was established. Therefore, this paper's aim is to analyze the features of the cooperative Silk Reeling Filatures in Shimoina by comparing both areas. The result of the study in this paper are these two points. First is the difference of silk-reeling between the two areas. Chiisagata area had used hand silk reeling until the WWI in parallel with machine silk-reeling in the silk reeling industry. However, hand silk reeling declined severely after WWI and tended to be stagnant after the Showa crisis. On the other hand, the Shimoina area developed Sericulture rapidly in the Taisho era and cooperative silk-reeling was established in each village community during WWI. The cooperative silk-reeling filature was reorganized during the Showa crisis and production of high quality silk was achieved in the 1930s. Second is an analysis of the silk-reeling industry and the local labor market, the capital market, and the commodity market. In the labor market, There was some decline in the male workforce due to population drain, but the presence of many female workers kept the local markets stable. In the capital market, capital circulation within the area was established in the Shimoina area. Regional banks and Cooperative banks was in moving toward development. On the other hand, silk-reeling in the Chiisagata area was in stagnation and that accelerated the financial crisis in the 1920s. In the commodity market, cost within the area were regulated by the cooperative silk-reeling filature in Shimoina area. On the other hand, circulation of cocoons in and outside of the area was common. In this way, area economic structure in the Shimoina area whose autonomy was higher than that of the Chiisagata area was established by the cooperative silk reeling filature's lead.


  • 農業史研究

    農業史研究 46 (0), 14-25, 2012


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