Empty gut ratio and body shape of the three-lips (<i>Opsariichthys uncirostris uncirostris</i>) at the shoreline of Lake Biwa in summer 2015

  • Imamura Akio
    Hokkaido University of Education
  • Hashimoto Kaho
    Ryukoku University, Department of Environmental Solution Technology Faculty of Science &Technology, Ryukoku University Seta-Oe
  • Maruyama Atsushi
    Ryukoku University, Department of Environmental Solution Technology Faculty of Science &Technology, Ryukoku University Seta-Oe

Bibliographic Information

Other Title
  • 2015 年夏季に琵琶湖北西岸で捕獲された魚食性 絶滅危惧魚種ハス(<i>Opsariichthys uncirostris uncirostris</i>) の空腸率と体型について


<p>Abstract The native piscivorous fish Opsariichthys uncirostris uncirostris, a representative vulnerable species, were investigated at the northwest shoreline of Lake Biwa, central Japan. Fourteen females and 51 males were captured; their sex ratio was biased to males. Remarkably, all of the females had empty guts. The overall empty gut ratio (0.83 overall) was higher than that in Lake Biwa in 1963 (<0.5 throughout the year). The length–weight relationship analysis found a negative allometric growth in females, though the sample size for this analysis was small. Future studies must examine the relationship between the recent reduction in catch, biased sex ratio, and negative allometric growth in females.</p>


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