オバマ政権はNCLB法をどのように変えようとしているか : 米国の学校アカウンタビリティ・システムの改革動向(教育政策フォーラム,IV 投稿論文/教育政策フォーラム)


  • How is the Obama Administration going to change the NCLB act? : the Trend of the Reform of the School Accountability System in the U.S.A(IV Research Papers)
  • 教育政策フォーラム オバマ政権はNCLB法をどのように変えようとしているか--米国の学校アカウンタビリティ・システムの改革動向
  • キョウイク セイサク フォーラム オバマ セイケン ワ NCLBホウ オ ドノ ヨウ ニ カエヨウ ト シテ イル カ ベイコク ノ ガッコウ アカウンタビリティ システム ノ カイカク ドウコウ



It has been remarked that the No Child Left Behind Act (below, NCLB), which was enacted by the Bush Administration in 2002, strengthened the accountability system of the U.S. schools and provided some progress in raising the achievements of the U.S. public schools. However, the method of the NCLB, which defined the success/failure of each school by the standard of the uniform performance goal regardless of the diverse social background of individual schools and provided "the failing schools" with various administrative actions, has been criticized that it created several problems in the school education. In this article, the author describes how President Obama's new administration treats the problems of the implementation of the NCLB and how it tries to deal with the revision of the act. Especially, focusing on the new education secretary's (Mr. Arne Duncan) three concepts for the improvement of the act-teacher quality, incentives, and flexibility-this article outlines the concrete plans of the reform as well as clarifies the problems of the realizations of the plans that can be expected at this moment.


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