内発的発展と学校教育 : 自治体行財政の視点から(I <特集1>新教育委員会制度と地方自治)


  • Endogenous Development and School Education : Perspective of Local Administration and Finance(I <Special Papers 1>New School Board System and Local Governing)
  • 内発的発展と学校教育 : 自治体行財政の視点から
  • ナイハツテキ ハッテン ト ガッコウ キョウイク : ジチタイ ギョウザイセイ ノ シテン カラ



Public elementary and junior high schools have accounted for a major part of loal administration and finance and have been managed by the board of education system. Though the board of education is on the brink of losing its political independence, most of the nation or citizens fail to criticize this development. One of the main reasons for this is that the normative purpose of public education to cultivate citizenship has been estranged from by the practical motives of parents to pursue high academic ability. The board of education has to notice an inevitable trend of local endogenous development in recent Japan to unify them. It may improve local administration and finance in order to play a central role in local government.


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