教育の目標設定と質の保障 : 国家のヘゲモニック・プロジェクト(I <特集1>教育における目標・成果管理)


  • Objective Setting and Quality Assurance in Education : a hegemonic project of the state(I <Special Papers 1>Target and Result Management in Education)
  • 教育の目標設定と質の保障--国家のヘゲモニック・プロジェクト
  • キョウイク ノ モクヒョウ セッテイ ト シツ ノ ホショウ コッカ ノ ヘゲモニック プロジェクト



Objective setting and quality assurance in education have increasingly assumed weight as a policy plank. A national mechanism of objective setting and performance measurement is to be installed on the marketized and dispersed system of education. It will allow the neo-liberal thinkers to influence more directly the education system and make an effective disciplinary device of individuals and organisations. In this contribution, I want to make clearer this mechanism and logic of objective setting and quality assurance. This paper will be divided into three sections. Firstly, I will present a broad picture of the policy initiatives and practices. Secondly, drawing on the findings of research conducted in the UK and US settings, I will review the limits and harms of management by objectives and performativity. I will examine in some depth its influence on the identity of teaching professionals, and the behavioral and cultural change of organisations. Lastly, I will argue that objective setting and quality assurance in education, as is currently envisaged, will work as a hegemomic project of the state; the state will appear as a trustworthy guardian of our (i.e. the consumers of education) interest. Students of education policy should look at both material and discursive effects of the project.


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