新制度派経済学に基づく教育制度論の批判と代替的理論の展望 : 外からの改革と内からの改革(I <特集1>教育における目標・成果管理)


  • A Critique of New Institutional Economics' Arguments on the Educational System and a Prospect for the Alternative : Reform "From the Outside In" or "From the Inside Out"?(I <Special Papers 1>Target and Result Management in Education)
  • 新制度派経済学に基づく教育制度論の批判と代替的理論の展望--外からの改革と内からの改革
  • シン セイドハ ケイザイガク ニ モトズク キョウイク セイド ロン ノ ヒハン ト ダイタイテキ リロン ノ テンボウ ソト カラノ カイカク ト ウチ カラノ カイカク



The aims of this paper are two-fold: the one is to clarify the structure of the New Institutional Economics (NIE)' arguments on the educational system and criticize them, and the other is to clarify the strengths of the alternative arguments developed by Professor Elmore. This paper characterizes NIE' s arguments as focusing on the institutional environment that exists outside schools, and identifies their strengths as combining the positive arguments and the normative. NIE's approach, however, should be criticized on the ground that, in spite of its appearance, it lacks positive arguments and its normative arguments are nothing but ideologies. Thus, the introduction of "market" as an institutional environment would never result in the high performance which NIE's approach asserts. This paper, then, analyzes the alternative approach developed by Prof. Elmore, and argues that its attraction and strengths reside in the fact that it starts from the positive arguments on the actual life of school, and derives from them the normative arguments on educational system including schools, school boards, and policy. In the conclusion, this paper identifies some lessons that educational research in Japan, where the neo-liberal education reform is taking off, should take from the two approaches: systemic education reform "from the outside in" and that "from the inside out."


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