ヘンリー・アーヴィングとシェイクスピア : ライシーアム劇場のシェイクスピア上演を中心に


  • Sir Henry Irving and His Shakespeare Productions in the Lyceum Theatre
  • ヘンリー アーヴィング ト シェイクスピア ライシーアム ゲキジョウ ノ シェイクスピア ジョウエン オ チュウシン ニ



This year marks the centenary of the death of the actor Sir Henry Irving. Although he was born in very humble circumstances in Somerset in 1838, he rose to become the greatest actor of his time, and was first in the acting profession to receive a knighthood. He worked as an actor manager in the Lyceum Theatre in London for nearly 20 years, where he staged Shakespeare's plays as well as Victorian melodrama. He was unlike any of his predecessors, and his unique acting style and alleged mannerisms were often caricatured at the time. The main focus of this paper is Irving's contribution to Shakespeare productions at the Lyceum Theatre. His new interpretations of Shakespeare challenged many critics and scholars. However, through his revival of Shakespeare's less famous plays, the public were able to appreciate the various aspects of Shakespearean drama. Irving was an acclaimed actor and innovator of his age. Although his achievements were considerable, he has tended to be regarded as a somewhat old-fashioned actor. Therefore there is a need to re-evaluate his work properly through study of contemporary documents and reviews. By throwing light on his staging of Shakespeare in the Lyceum Theatre, we would like to correct the common and easy dismissal of his contribution to the Victorian theatre, which seems to have been derived from unfair criticism and the partisan comments from some critics.


  • 英米文化

    英米文化 36 (0), 5-24, 2006


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