社会福祉実践におけるソーシャルワークの法的位置について : 介護保険制度を中心として


  • On Legal Position of Social Work in Social Welfare System : Focusing on Public Nursing Care Insurance
  • シャカイ フクシ ジッセン ニ オケル ソーシャルワーク ノ ホウテキ イチ ニ ツイテ カイゴ ホケン セイド オ チュウシン ト シテ



There are mainly two ways of the enforcement of social welfare system in our country. One is the way to apply law and policy on social welfare to offer social welfare services. The other is to guide the client and to assist to use social welfare services. On the former, when the client application conforms to the requirements for social welfare services offered these services are offered. On the latter, the social worker practices social work to steer the client to using social welfare services. For example, the social worker assists the client in solving the problem on his life by using social welfare services and informality services and by adjusting the surrounding human relations of him. Thus in our country, social welfare system has been developing by through composing law and policy on social welfare. But in recent year, the importance of social work increases, therefore, the social work in social welfare system has to be systematized quickly.


  • 法政論叢

    法政論叢 42 (1), 15-29, 2005


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