A Study of Cooperation with Outside Personnel Encouraging Teacher’s Active Behavior in Special Needs Education School

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  • 支援学校教師の主体的な行動を促す外部人材との連携に関する研究
  • 支援学校教師の主体的な行動を促す外部人材との連携に関する研究 : テレプレゼンスロボットの活用を事例として
  • シエン ガッコウ キョウシ ノ シュタイテキ ナ コウドウ オ ウナガス ガイブ ジンザイ ト ノ レンケイ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ : テレプレゼンスロボット ノ カツヨウ オ ジレイ ト シテ
  • テレプレゼンスロボットの活用を事例として
  • From a Case of Tele-presence Robot Use

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In this information technology era, the teachers who are in special needs education school are offered to utilize Assistive Technologies and ICT. The presence of others affects to the teacher's action regarding new technology use. Thus, the authors aim to reveal how the outside personnel such as researchers and school volunteers encourage the teachers when they install technologies into their educational practices. The authors collected interview data from a teacher who utilized OriHime, a tele-presence robot in her lessons with outside personnel. As a result, we found a boundary that a teacher can individually act, and it can be expanded by cooperation with outside personnel and other teachers who are belonging to the school. Outside personnel such as researcher and school volunteer can help the teacher through active participation to the educational practice.


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