現代美術と美術教育における表現観についての考察 : 抽象表現主義,ダダのオブジェ,ポップ・アートの表現観との差異を中心として


  • Thoughts on Expressions Applied to Contemporary Art and Used Art Education : A Focus on the Disparity between Abstract Expressionism, the Objects of Data, and Pop Art, and the Terms used to Describe them
  • ゲンダイ ビジュツ ト ビジュツ キョウイク ニ オケル ヒョウゲンカン ニ ツイテ ノ コウサツ チュウショウ ヒョウゲン シュギ ダダ ノ オブジェ ポップ アート ノ ヒョウゲンカン ト ノ サイ オ チュウシン ト シテ



A course on 'Expressions' would be an appropriate addition to a modern art education curriculum, and how we think of these expressions is proving to be an increasingly important issue. The reason for this is that, growing out of post war perceptions of creative art education that place emphasis on developing children's potential for self expression, a problem has arisen with regard to how art education has responded to works which have come to be recognized as belonging to the contemporary art idiom. The objective of this thesis to discuss the similarities and difference between contemporary art and the latent meaning of expressions used in art education to describe it, with regard to the problems surrouding the development of a methodology for teaching contemporary art. As one can see from present teaching documents, the words that are used reflect a tendency to describe art in the modernist terms of Expressionism, where the emotions and idiosyncrasies of the inner self are given external expression. This disregards such contemporary genres as Dada and Pop Art, however, which are more concerned with relating the externally manifested properties of works, as well as with using the media to further disseminate them. I believe that it is thus necessary to address these particularities and disparities in developing a methodology for teaching contemporary art.


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