105 FDTD Simulation of Sound Field Generated by Vibration of a Thin Plate with a Small Enclosure

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In this paper, in order to solve the characteristics of the radiation sound field generated by vibration of a flat elastic plate in a small enclosure with rigid wall we try to apply the numerical simulation technique using the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method to the coupled analysis of the vibroacoustic characteristics. The update equations for the FDTD simulation in the sound field and in the elastic body modeled by the isotropy material are coupled at the boundary of both the mediums. Numerical results show that the frequency response changes depend on the value of the material constant of the elastic plate and/or the volume of the enclosure. Since the experimental results using a vinyl chloride plate and an aluminum plate show the same tendency with the numerical results, the validity of the numerical simulation using the FDTD method in this paper is confirmed.


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