図画工作科における教育内容の再構造化の試み : 総合的な学習との関連・発達の連続性と非連続性を意識して


  • A Study on Restructuring in Art Education : Exploring the Connections Between Interdisciplinary Studies, Developmental Sequence and Developmental Advance
  • ズガ コウサクカ ニ オケル キョウイク ナイヨウ ノ サイコウゾウカ ノ ココロミ ソウゴウテキ ナ ガクシュウ ト ノ カンレン ハッタツ ノ レンゾクセイ ト ヒレンゾクセイ オ イシキ シテ



In everyday lessons, there are two approaches available to a teacher who supports children's creative development. One approach involves activities which ask children to create representations of the external world that are "developmentally" accurate. The other approach involves activities which contain structural conflicts designed to inspire children to attempt developmental leaps. In this paper I define these two positions as "to express nature "and" to express the inner self".By defining the scope and sequence of the content of children's creative education with these two approaches in mind, I'll attempt to restructure the teaching content of my lessons.


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