CAIを使った鑑賞教育 : 鑑賞ソフトを使った授業実践を通して


  • Aesthetic Education Using CAI : Through Teaching Practice Using Aesthetic Software
  • CAI オ ツカッタ カンショウ キョウイク カンショウ ソフト オ ツカッタ ジュギョウ ジッセン オ トオシテ



The writer focuses attention on CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction), designing courseware in 1998 while grappling with the utilization in aesthetic education in fine art teaching. Also, in 1999, discussions were held regarding construction of a learning system based on the assumption of utilization in practical teaching. Further, an opportunity for participation was taken in 2001 on the occasion of the development of "Visual Fine Arts", fine arts aesthetic software planned for use in aesthetic teaching. This research reports on the utilization of "Visual Fine Arts", fine arts aesthetic software produced in 2002, in the context of practical teaching, and discusses functions required of aesthetic software for teaching as well as utilization methods.


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