124 Noise reduction using acoustic transparent wall : Prediction of noise reduction by simulation
- YAMADA Taichi
- Tottori Univercity
- Tottori Univercity
- NISHIMURA Masaharu
- Tottori Univercity
- GOTO Tomonobu
- Tottori Univercity
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- Other Title
- 124 音響透過壁を用いた騒音低減技術に関する研究 : シミュレーション解析による減音効果の予測(その2)(吸音・遮音構造)
- 音響透過壁を用いた騒音低減技術に関する研究 : シミュレーション解析による減音効果の予測(その2)
- オンキョウ トウカヘキ オ モチイタ ソウオン テイゲン ギジュツ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ : シミュレーション カイセキ ニ ヨル ゲンオン コウカ ノ ヨソク(ソノ 2)
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An acoustic transparent wall was developed and applied to car air conditioner ducts for the purpose of noise reduction in a car cabin. The acoustic transparent wall is a plate through which sound can pass easily but flow cannot pass. This technique has already been applied to casings and ducts of ventilating fans to reduce the inlet and/or exhaust noise. In this paper, acoustic analysis was performed by use of the boundary element method. This analysis gives the sum of the acoustic impedance considered material characteristic and the radiation impedance considered shape to the boundary condition of the acoustic transparent wall. The simulation results of acoustic analysis were verified by compared with the measured results.The simulation results agree with the measured results.
- The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering
The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering 2013.23 (0), 102-105, 2013
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282680815015424
- NII Article ID
- 110009951916
- NII Book ID
- AA11901271
- 24242969
- 026715897
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
- OpenAIRE
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