104 ステップサイズベクトルと二次経路特性補開法を用いた評価点移動時の能動音響制御(音のアクティブコントロール)


  • 104 Active Noise Control for a Moving Evaluation Point Using Stepsize Vector and Interpolation of Secondary Path
  • ステップサイズベクトルと二次経路特性補間法を用いた評価点移動時の能動音響制御
  • ステップサイズベクトル ト ニジ ケイロ トクセイ ホカンホウ オ モチイタ ヒョウカテン イドウジ ノ ノウドウ オンキョウ セイギョ



In three-dimension acoustic field it is difficult to control in the whole room using active noise control (ANC) technique. Instead, around-head-control is investigated in this paper. By using around-head-control method, ail object person can get the noise reduction effect without controlling in the whole space, because it makes around the head quiet locally. Therefore, to realize around-head-control, it is necessary for a controller to follow the head movement. However, there is a problem that the control effect during the movement is worse, and the recovery of control effect after the movement is slow by conventional ANC. Against this problem, we propose the new method of improving the adaptation speed when an evaluation point moves. The algorithm can control by interpolating the secondary path of the Filtered-x Algorithm while moving. In the algorithm, the updating size appropriate to each coefficient of the adaptive filter scalculated by using a step size vector. The step size vector is calculated from the coefficient of adaptive filter before updating. The validity of the proposal method is shown by the numerical simulation.


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