
  • 綿貫 啓


  • Development and Maintain of Kelp Forest in Barren Ground Using Adaptive Management Process
  • 磯焼け地帯で順応的に進めるコンブ増殖場造成(総説)
  • イソ ヤケ チタイ デ ジュンノウテキ ニ ススメル コンブ ゾウショクジョウ ゾウセイ(ソウセツ)



Along the southwestern coast of Hokkaido, the urchin barren has been persistently dominated by sea urchin for a long time, which has restricted the kelp beds to shallow waters, largely less than 2m in depth. Because of overgrazing of sea urchins that were settled onto the artificial kelp reef on the urchin barren, a loss or decline of kelp has been observed. This report illustrates some proposals about developing the kelp nursery in the urchin barren. It is important to reconcile the crown depth of the substrata for the kelp with the depth which the sea urchin cannot exist. It is desired to make the uneven crown of the substrata in a range of depth which the kelp can distribute. Also if the factor which was obstructing the growth of the kelp was observed, it is important to understand the limiting factor and to recover the kelp nursery through an adaptive management process.


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