PS03 口腔インプラント手術におけるドリリング荷重体感型教育システムの開発


  • PS03 Development of educational system for oral implant surgery by drilling force sensible equipment


To prevent the accident during drilling the mandible in oral implant surgery, a surgery simulator to learn the drilling force sensing has been developed as an educational system. This paper presents the system configuration and the results of evaluation by dentists. The main hardware consists of one-dimensional actuator, which is controlled by the input force and the pre-calculated force database by stochastic multiscale finite element method. The micro-CT images are used for the calculation in order to consider the trabecular bone quality. The inter-individual difference was taken into account using a calibrated numerical model by human vertebral trabecular bone. Through the use of the system by eight dentists, its usefulness has been shown.


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