0313 Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Lipid Coated Nanobubble

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  • 0313 脂質殻ナノ気泡の分子シミュレーション


We investigate the collapsing mechanisms of a lipid coated nanobubble and the subsequent lipid vesicle formation by coarse grained molecular dynamics (CGMD) simulations. A preformed nanobubble coated by lipid monolayer in water is a model of an aqueous dispersion of phospholipids under negative pressure in sonication. Relaxing to a positive pressure, the spherical bubble shape deforms into irregular prolate ellipsoidal shape and the monolayer starts to fold from an apsis of the ellipsoid. The local folding is rapidly propagated in the ellipsoid, pushing gas core, and a discoidal membrane forms. The discoidal membrane develops into a unilamellar vesicle via bowl shape.


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