Research and development in JNC on geological isolation of high-level radioactive waste in the implementation phase of disposal

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Other Title
  • P23-08 高レベル放射性廃棄物処分の実施段階におけるサイクル機構での地層処分技術に関する研究開発


High-level radioactive waste (HLW) from the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel is to be disposed of deeper than 300m below the ground surface in Japan and the operation of disposal is planed to start in 2033 to 2037. The JNC's program and examples of the recent progress on the R&D of geological disposal of the HLW are described in this paper. JNC will execute the basic R∿D to reflect the accomplishments to the implementation of disposal and safety regulation. The program covers three fields which are research on the deep geological environment, improving the reliability of disposal technologies and development of advanced safety assessment methods.


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