F217 惑星間航行用原子力宇宙船に関する研究(FBR(2),OS-8 軽水炉・新型炉・核燃料サイクル(3),一般講演,地球温暖化防止と動力エネルギー技術)


  • F217 Study for the Space Craft for Interplanetary Cruise


We considered that the nuclear power is proper for the energy source of the manned spacecraft for interplanetary cruise. In this study, we considered the navigational plan to reach Mars, the size of power generating system and if that was reasonable. The spacecraft studied in our laboratory has a Fast Breeder Reactor with liquid sodium as main heat source, Stirling Engines as power generators and some Variable Specific Impulse Magnetroprasma Rockets (VASIMR) as propulsion system. To obtain the optimal trajectory of rapid Mars transit, we made an analysis program that analyzes the optimal time-history of acceleration which realizes smaller duration and greater payload mass. If payload mass is low (100[ton]), the spacecraft can reach Mars in 4 or 5 months with comparatively-less power. In these cases, whose sizes of reactor are reasonable to load on the spacecraft.


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