3302 交通事故実態調査に基づくシートベルト着用者の胸腹部傷害に関する研究(OS5-1 自動車の安全,OS5 安全,安心,防災,環境負荷低減,オーガナイズド・セッション(OS))


  • 3302 Research thoracic/abdominal injury of belted occupant based on in-depth accident study


Nihon University and Nippon Medical School be doing real world in-depth accident study. All injury number has been present 770 exist, thoracic injury the number of 197, 28% rate. Also abdominal injury the number of 107, 14% rate. In this study to analyzed the relationship between the thoracic/abdominal injury of belted occupant by in-depth accident study data. In addition, revealed a detailed data of Equivalent barrier speed(EBS), injury source, and MS. The results show that rib fracture in the thoracic, mesentery in the abdomen has many occurred. Thoracic injuries occupant behavior and deformation of the seat had a significant impact. Correlation occurs in age difference abdomen from thoracic.


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