2C14 Japanese Rolling Stock Vehicles in Europe? Process of Approval, Example Fire Safety(Safety-Vehicle)


Rolling stock manufacturer increasingly seek to sell their products outside Japan. And one target market with a high potential for railways components, systems or even complete new vehicles is the European market. However, a particular challenge for European market entry is the complex approach and the homologation process. The harmonization of European railways, started during the early 90's, created its solid foundation based on European directives, regulations as well as on national rules and laws in every member state. The paper shows the challenges during the commissioning of rolling stock based on European and national regulations using Fire Safety as an example. As Fire safety is one of the main research fields in railway transport systems and due to a high number of passengers by unit area and delayed evacuation conditions, ambitious requirements on material characteristics, vehicle design and safety systems are laid down in standards, such as series EN 45545 as well as the requirements of "Technical Specifications for Interoperability" (TSIs). The requirements are based on a holistic approach with particular emphasis on personal safety (i.e. passenger and staff on board). Additional requirements can also arise from a fire risk analysis needed, for e.g. running capability performance of the respective train. To ensure a correct verification process as well as adequate and coherent product design documentation, independent inspection bodies must be involved in the initial project phase. These "third parties" support the manufacturer during the entire design and approval process and finally confirm the product's compliance to applicable standards as required by the respective authority.


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