2111 旅客機パイロットのフライト・マネージメント能力把握に関する研究 : ベテランパイロットの場合(航空機の視点から,OS4 ヒューマンインタフェース,一般講演)


  • 2111 Evaluation on Flight Management Skill : Experienced Jet Airliner Pilots' Case


Flight management skill for jet airliner pilots is discussed in this paper. Flight management skill is one of the pilots' risk management skills that airline pilots should manage for flight safety, for fuel saving economy, for punctual flight operation and for passenger comfort. It is also an experience-based skill. To evaluate this skill, experiments using full-flight simulator attended by experienced pilots were made. Severe fuel remaining situation in normal flight was used as test scenarios. Examinees' utterance and limbs' movements were recorded. After the experiments, interview with them was also made. Pilots' actual tasks in a form of time line and their decision making processes in a form of decision tree have been sorted out. The reason why the examinees chose one particular solution is discussed from the prospect of pilots' risk management.


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