A03 Development of Stirling Engine Simulator to Simulate Load Change

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  • A03 負荷変動を模擬するスターリングエンジンシミュレータの開発(スターリングエンジン及び関連要素と応用システム(1))
  • 負荷変動を模擬するスクーリングエンジンシミュレータの開発
  • フカ ヘンドウ オ モギ スル スクーリングエンジンシミュレータ ノ カイハツ

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Stirling engine simulator to simulate load change was developed in order to develop the load controller for Stirling engine. It is found that the simulator which simulated an output characteristic can be made by means of control servomotor. However, a change of expansion space gas temperature causes a number of revolutions change. This change of a number of revolutions is different from it of simulator. The simulating this change of a number of revolutions can be accomplished by using expansion space gas temperature and number of revolutions and relations of the torque.


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