2P1-N02 坑内狭隘路を高速走行する壁面接触ローラバンパ付車両の自動走行制御 : 差動四輪車両と自動走行システムの開発および接触影響評価基礎実験


  • 2P1-N02 Automatic control of fast driving vehicle with wall-contacting roller bumpers in underground narrow roads : Development of differential four-wheel vehicle and automatic driving system, and basic experiment of wall-contact impact evaluation


To increase the speed of automatic transporting vehicles in underground narrow roads, we propose a differential four-wheel vehicle that allows contacts to the wall using roller bumpers. A one-tenth scale model is developed for a feasibility study. Using the model, basic experiments to evaluate the impact of wall-contact have been conducted. Wall-contacting running is realized by offsetting the target path to wall. The results of the experiment reveal the possibility of the travel utilizing the wall without a large impact. The additional basic experiments have been conducted to evaluate the running in situations where position noise is added. The results of the experiment showed that driving utilizing the wall as guide structure enables a stable travel even in situations where position information contains severe error.


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