総括(シンポジウム : 学校参加と学校経営の課題-学校評議員制度の可能性を探る-)


  • Summary of the Discussion(SYMPOSIUM : The Problems of School Involvement and School Management)
  • シンポジウム 学校参加と学校経営の課題--学校評議員制度の可能性を探る
  • シンポジウム ガッコウ サンカ ト ガッコウ ケイエイ ノ カダイ ガッコウ ヒョウギイン セイド ノ カノウセイ オ サグル



As the presentations of the Symposium are shown on pages of "School Management", the afterwards debates are introduced in this paper. The first stage discussion was developed according to role and ability of the newly introduced schools' councilor. Whether this new system can devote to evolve schools more effectively depends on the quality of its staff and the competence of the principals are generally examined. In this way, the capability of the principals should be developed to secure the results of this new system as well. The second point was the relation between schools and local community. Schools have to adjust to the local needs as much as possible and to disclose the information as to the school activities to the community. The possibility of this harmonious relation was discussed. Thirdly, the quality of school performance was pointed out to make it more active. Some devices to promote teachers' understandings to adapt the new surrounding situation should be recognised and accountability of schools must be much more realised than ever. As a whole, a lot of questions was brought up on that symposium and some of them were productive to study the new school management system. However, the plan of symposium should be organised more carefully to secure the good result. For example, there might be better to have a preliminary meeting among the panelers and chairpersons in advance and all the audience could be satisfied the process and the result of the symposium.


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