原位置試験に基づく鉄筋コンクリートプラグの耐圧性能の検討  II 耐圧プラグの設計と実証


  • Study on Bearing Ability of Steel-reinforced Concrete Plug Evaluated based on In-situ Tests. Design and experiments on steel-reinforced concrete plug resisting high pressure. 2nd Report.
  • 原位置試験に基づく鉄筋コンクリートプラグの耐圧性能の検討--耐圧プラグの設計と実証(第2報)
  • ゲン イチ シケン ニ モトヅク テッキン コンクリートプラグ ノ タイアツ セイノウ ノ ケントウ タイアツ プラグ ノ セッケイ ト ジッショウ ダイ2ホウ
  • - Design and experiments on steel-reinforced concrete plug resisting high pressure (2nd Report) -
  • ― 耐圧プラグの設計と実証(第2報) ―



In Kamioka-mine, the conical-shaped steel reinforced concrete plug, whose length is only one thirds of the Japanese conventional standard, was designed and constructed, according to the principles proposed by the authors (see 1-st report). Pressure up to 4.5 MPa was applied in the pressurized cavern adjacent to the plug and the mechanical behaviors of the plug as well as the rock mass around the neighboring roadway were monitored.<BR>It has been observed that both the plug and the rock mass around it, that is, the plug-rock mass structure behaves elastically without inducing the relative movement of the fissures in the rock mass beneath the plug, and that the pressure applied to the plug was resisted by the rock mass by inducing the compressive stresses. Since no symptoms indicating the unstableness of the plug-rock mass structure were observed,the plug has been proved to resist the pressure up to 4.5 MPa.


  • 資源と素材

    資源と素材 117 (7), 563-572, 2001

    一般社団法人 資源・素材学会

参考文献 (9)*注記


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