Air Oxidation of Aqueous Manganous Sulfate Solution in the Alkaline Region

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  • アルカリ領域における硫酸マンガン水溶液の空気酸化について
  • Air Oxidation of Aqueous Ferrous Sulfate Solution in the Alkaline Region
  • Air Oxidation of Aqueous Ferrous Sulfat
  • アルカリ リョウイキ ニ オケル リュウサン マンガン スイヨウエキ ノ クウ

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The oxidation of alkaline MnSO4 solution was studied by blowing a mixed gas of 80% N2 and 20% 02 from an upward vertical nozzle into the solution.<BR>The experimental results are summarized as follows.(1) Except for the final stage of the reaction, the overall rate of oxidation was not virtually affected by pH and temperature of the solution, but it increased with the rise of flow rate of the mixed gas.(2) The oxidation was presumed to be composed of the sequential steps of the dissolution of 02 gas on the surface of rising gas bubbles and the reaction between Mn (OH) 2 and dissolved oxygen. Under the assumption that the overall rate is controlled by the dissolving rate of O2 gas, a zero order rate equation regarding Mn (OH) 2 concentration was derived, with which the experimental results were satisfied.(3) From the rate constant of the overall reaction, an activation energy of 13.7kJ/mol was obtained. It is an appropriate value for the reaction of mass transfer control.(4) The liquid-film mass transfer coefficient of dissolved oxygen at the bubble surface was estimated from the experimental rate constant. They were coincident with the measured values.


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