Reliability of Experimental Method for Landscape Evaluation of Quarry
- HOKAZONO Takahiko
- Shin Caterpillar Mitsubishi Ltd.
- OTSUKA Naohiro
- Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University
- SHIDA Yutaka
- Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University
- SAITO Mitsugu
- Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University
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- Other Title
- 露天資源開発の現状と新たな展開を支える技術 露天採掘場の景観評価方法の信頼性の検討
- 露天採掘場の景観評価方法の信頼性の検討
- ロテン サイクツジョウ ノ ケイカン ヒョウカ ホウホウ ノ シンライセイ ノ ケントウ
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Authors have studied the landscape evaluation of a quarry using videos or still pictures as change stimulus. As a result of these studies, it is found that a video is more suitable than a still picture as change stimulus for the reason why it has reality and liveliness. But more time, labors and costs are required for creations of change stimulus and experiments using a video rather than a still picture.<BR>This study aimed at establishment of the reasonable and reliable experimental method for landscape evaluations of quarry. Then, we carried out three investigations as follows;<BR>(1) The suitable presentation method of a change stimulus was examined. It became clear that the presentation by a screen projection with near an actual scale was suitable for videos, while the presentation by a personal computer monitor was suitable for still pictures. <BR>(2) The applicability of the animation for change stimulus created using the virtual reality system (VRS) was examined. It was judged that its application to the landscape evaluation of quarry is possible for the animation landscape simulation created with VRS.<BR>(3) The minimum number of the persons, from which the reliable and stable evaluation results is obtained, was examined. It became clear that the minimum number of the persons is about 30, even when a change stimulus is which of an animation and a still picture.
- Shigen-to-Sozai
Shigen-to-Sozai 122 (12), 589-595, 2006
The Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282681026494592
- NII Article ID
- 10018661304
- NII Book ID
- AN10062646
- 18806244
- 09161740
- 8628097
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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