資源・素材  21世紀への技術資産


  • Mining and Metallurgy: Our Technology and the Importance for the 21 Century.
  • シゲン ソザイ 21セイキ エ ノ ギジュツ シサン



Mining and metallurgy are fundamental activities of our human beings. These technologies have been uninterruptedly continuing and steadily developing since the beginning of human cultures.<br> Japan has also long and glorius histories of mining and metallurgy and in her recent years, these technologies had played important roles, particularly on her modernization in Meiji era and her rehabilitation after the World War II.<br> Nowadays, it is very hard to develop and operate a mine in Japan. However, the importance of technologies of mining and metallurgy is not in the least divested for our prosperities. Therefore, these technologies should be taken over without any cease to the following 21 Century.<br> Expect the bright restoration of our technologies in the global activities in near future.<br>


  • 資源と素材

    資源と素材 117 (1), 1-5, 2001

    一般社団法人 資源・素材学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

