グローバリゼーションの中の意味構成の多元化 : 機能的分化と多元的分化


  • Pluralization of Meaning Construction in the Process of Globalization
  • グローバリゼーションの中の意味構成の多元化--機能的分化と多元的文化
  • グローバリゼーション ノ ナカ ノ イミ コウセイ ノ タゲンカ キノウテキ



In this paper I try to formulate pluralization of meaning construction in the process of globalization in terms of social systems theory, especially with reference to Luhmann's concept of the world society. With several paired concepts, such as nation society/world society, stratified differentiation/functional differentiation, diffuse/specific, universalistic/particularistic, inclusion/exclusion, I illustrate the transformation of social structure and its effects on the principle of meaning construction and the difinition of individual identity. The capacity of the nation society for vertical integration has been diminished in the process of globalization and functional differentiation. Every functional subsystem has become more autonomous, and the socio-cultural sources of individual identity has become more diversified:particular ascriptive traits such as ethnicity of religious tradition on the one hand, temporal combinations of universal but specific memberships in various groups and networks on the other hand. In this consequence the public sphere of political discourse has also become pluralistic, participated by various agents such as nation states and NGOs. Only this pluralism seems to produce more capacity to cope with future risks.


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