非言語的表現に対する子どもの言語的処理の研究 : 能力処遇交互作用をめぐって


  • An Experimental Study of Verbal Process in Learning Non-Verbal Materials
  • ヒ ゲンゴテキ ヒョウゲン ニ タイスル コドモ ノ ゲンゴテキ ショリ ノ



This is the preliminary report of the research on aptitude-treatment-interaction. The author note on children's preference for inner symbolic processes, imagery and verbal. He concerns on interaction between this preference and teaching with non-verbal materials. Several aspects of verbal process in viewing nonverbal materials are measured. The ability to name figures, verbalize picture, abstract and represent the characteristics of figures, cluster pictorial items and use verbal mediators in paired-associate-learning of low image-value-term are measured. The results are compared between grades, sexes, levels of intelligence. Factor analysis (varimax method) reveals the similarity of factorial structure between 4th and 7th graders. Naming figures and verbalizing picture load the same factor, but the other variables are mutually independent. The results sugest that to make one index of verbal process is not reasonable. It seems to be true in the case of imagery process. At present, the author is undertaking experiments on imagery process in learning with non-verbal materials, he decides to make subcategories of both verbal and imagery process and to identify the types of children's preference for symbolic processes using these sub-categories.


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