中・高校生の映像視聴能力に関する考察(その1) : 映像の質的相違と読みの型に関する実験を中心に



  • A Study on Ability of Reading Pictorial Message of Students in Secondary Education(1) : Different Types of "Reading Image" in High School Students


There are two components which consist of ability of reading pictorial message. One is peculier useful ability to view pictures, the other is common necessary ability to read various materials (for example, books, pictures, and so on). The latter is more necessary than the former for reading pictorial message. Reading process contains two types reading. One type is reading to recognize and comprehend the sender's message, which the author call "informative reading". The other type is reading to interpret what the receivers recognize and comprehend as the sender's message and or to interpret events which is presented in the picture, which the author call "creative reading". A educational goal of development of student's ability of reading pictorial message at secondary school level is to promote "creative reading" based upon "informative reading". The author tried to examine what the development of student's ability shoud be in school by an experiment. The purpose of the experiment was to examine the following questions : When one read two types of pictorial message. 1) does difference of picture's type bring him (her) different type of reading? 2) does his (her) attitude toward reading influence his (her) reading type? 3) what type of picture bring him (her) "creative reading" ? Conclusions of the experiment as follows: 1) Difference of picture's type showed a tendency to bring him (her) different type of reading. 2) "Creative reading" is brought by asking and answering to himself (herself) repeatedly about what he (she) recognize and comprend as the sender's message or events which is presented in the picture. 3) Teh pictures which promote "creative reading" is the ones which tends to attract receiver's question about what he (she) recognize and comprehend as sender's message or events which is presented in the picture. They are pictures which convey messages different from his (her) previous information, or pictures of which codes almost break away from existing stereo-typed codes.


詳細情報 詳細情報について

  • CRID
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  • データソース種別
    • JaLC
    • CiNii Articles
  • 抄録ライセンスフラグ

