Effects of personality trait and stress event on the frequency of dream recall

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  • 夢想起の頻度に人格特性とストレス-イベントが及ぼす影響
  • ムソウキ ノ ヒンド ニ ジンカク トクセイ ト ストレス イベント ガ オヨ

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The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a personality trait (trait anxiety) and a stress event (exams) on the frequency of dream recall (DRF). One hundred and twenty-five senior high school students were asked to recall and record dreams for two three-day periods, just prior to examinations and summer vacation, for stress and control conditions, respectively. The students who perceived the examinations as stressful recalled more dreams during the stress period than the control period. ANOVA of the stressful students' DRF showed a significant interaction effect of trait anxiety and stress event, in addition to a stress-event main effect. The results therefore supported the stress-event main-effect model, as well as the trait-by-stress interaction model for the frequency of dream recall.


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