Influence of Elastoplasticity Properties on FEM Buckling Simulation of Circular Tubes

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  • 923 円管の FEM 座屈シミュレーションに及ぼす弾塑性特性の影響


This research is the elastoplasticity finite element analysis for a buckling modification simulation for the design of a circular tube plasticity Shock Absorber. The influence of the constitutive relation to buckling for circular tubes made by Aluminum to which compression load was applied was investigated. The constitutive relation was approximated by Bilinear Isotropic Hardening and Multilinear Isotropic Hardening, and comparison with the experimental result was performed. The constitutive relation affected the buckling behaviors. Next, it investigated about the influence of geometric initial irregular to the elastplasticity finite element analysis. The deformation behavior using by MISO approximation corresponded to that of the experimental result.


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