J0203-3-1 Analysis of RBC Deformation in Shear Flow Field and Evaluation of Hemolysis

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Other Title
  • J0203-3-1 せん断流中の赤血球変形解析および溶血量の評価(医療診断のためのマルチスケール血流動態計測と解析(3))


This paper describes the deformation of the red blood cells (RBCs) in accelerating shear flow generated by cone-plate type shear stressor. The behavior of the RBCs was observed by the high-speed video camera system and the obtained time-series imagery was analyzed to reveal the RBC deformation process. Several modes of RBCs behavior, movement, orientation and elongation toward the flow direction with time, were found. The averaged ratio of small and long axes of RBCs rapidly decreased immediate after the shear loading and then gradually decreased. The time constant of the gradual decrease phase was of the order of hundred milliseconds. In this study, the relationship between the shear induced deformation of RBCs and hemolysis were discussed based on the empirical formula used to predict the amount of hemolysis and our experimental results.


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