The application of wireless technology and sensors for sporting applications

  • James Daniel
    Centre for Wireless Monitoring and Applications, Griffith School of Engineering Griffith University
  • Fraser Matthew
    Centre for Wireless Monitoring and Applications, Griffith School of Engineering Griffith University


  • 特別講演 The application of wireless technology and sensors for sporting applications
  • トクベツ コウエン The application of wireless technology and sensors for sporting applications



Advances in technology today have influenced and changed many aspects of our lives. As technology becomes smaller it is able to be used in more and more aspects of our daily lives, competitive and recreational sports are no exception. Borrowing from many disciplines athletes today are clad in space age clothing, ride aerospace and automobile inspired bicycles and use high tech racquets built from composite and other 'high tech' materials. Often accompanying each athlete today are complex watches and heart rate monitors that just a few years ago were the province of only our elite sports academies and athletes. As we enter the age of wireless communications pervading our everyday lives and an unquenchable thirst for information, the dream of small unobtrusive monitoring devices that can quantify every aspect of an athlete's performance in real time is becoming a reality. One day athletes will no longer need to go to specialist laboratories for performance assessment but instead wear widely available devices during everyday training and perhaps even in competition. This paper outlines some of the recent developments in monitoring technologies and the implementation of wireless solutions. Aspects such as human comfort, power consumption, antenna design, choice of frequency band and some examples will be discussed.


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