Some Aspects of Agricultural Crisis in Japan(PAPERS READ AT THE AUTUMN CONFERENCE SYMPOSIUM, 1992, Restructuring of World Agriculture and the Crisis in Japanese Agriculture)

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  • 「経済構造調整」下における日本農業の危機とその諸相(大会報告 共通論題 : 世界的な農業再編と日本農業の危機)
  • 「経済構造調整」下における日本農業の危機とその諸相
  • ケイザイ コウゾウ チョウセイ カ ニ オケル ニホン ノウギョウ ノ キキ

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The situation of agriculture in Japan has become critical since the late 1980s. This paper aims to clarify some aspects of the present "agricultural crisis", and they can be summarized as follows: 1) The ratio of food self-sufficiency has declined to an alarming level due to the trade liberalization of many agricultural commodities, though except rice, resulting in a remarkable increase of food import. Japanese agriculture is said to be entering on an absolutely diminishing phase. 2) Agricultural labor force has decreased at an extremely high rate since the late 1980s, because of the rapid aging of farm labor force and an extreme lack of younger labor force. This critical situation of agricultural labor force is prevalent in almost all agricultural regions in Japan. 3) The above problems reflect the crisis facing the sustainable operation of family farm, resulting from a drop of agricultural profitability, the de-agricullturization of younger family members of farm households, and so forth. 4) These problems are acute especially in mountain, less-favored areas. Absolute reduction of population and extreme aging have led to a socio-economic crisis of maintaining rural communities in such regions. This would be followed by another crisis of the degradation of local resources, environmental destruction and the desolution of the countryside.


  • The Journal of Agrarian History

    The Journal of Agrarian History 35 (3), 22-37, 1993

    The Agrarian History Society (Renamed as The Political Economy and Economic History Society)

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