「均等化」をめぐる村落内紛争 : 18世紀プロイセン王領地アムト・アルト・ルピン(ブランデンブルク州)の事例


  • Conflicts on "Equalization" in the Village Society of Eighteenth-Century Prussia East of the Elbe : A Case of the Royal Demesne Amt Alt-Ruppin in Brandenburg
  • キントウカ オ メグル ソンラクナイ フンソウ 18セイキ プロイセン オウ



The characters of social relations in the village communities of eighteenth-century Prussia east of the Elbe are analyzed in terms of the conflicts on "equalization (Egalisierung)" of landed properties that arised between large and small peasants (Bauern and Kossaten) in the royal demesne Amt Alt-Ruppin in Brandenburg. The equalization was demanded by villagers having smaller landholdings, who needed to earn their bread or wanted to improve their management, from those having larger landholdings in the following two cases. Firstly, such claims occurred when the communal obligations which schould be determined according to the landed properties of villagers were excessively assigned to the smallholders. Another situation was when some members belonging to a group whose members were given the same amount of obligations acquired additional fields, e.g., by clearing forests. These demands were addressed to the feudal lords and in most cases led to conflicts in the villages, which were settled by the lords. The equalization occurred especially in the "disadvantaged" villages where the natural and possessive conditions of the farms, the latter including feudal dues and landholding rights, were unfavorable. In such villages, a trend toward overall economic distress drived the groups of different landholdings to cooperate in the course of the equalization. This is because the largeholders were released from heavy burdens by transferring a part of their farms to the smallholders, which in turn helped to relieve their serious poverty due to lack of fields. The lack of landownership by the villagers, which corresponds to the usufructary holding of land (LaBbesitz), was the other factor in the occurrence of the equal distribution of land stemming from the mercy of the lords. On the other hand, in the "advantaged" villages where the natural and possessive conditions of the farms, the latter controlled by the agrarian policies of the Prussian state, were more favorable, the equalization broke down. The largeholders had no need to liberate themselves from feudal dues and hence resisted the claims of the smallholders. Furthermore, the largeholders owned their farms and thereby protected their rights from the smallholders who intended to realize the equalization depending on the mercy of the lords.


  • 土地制度史学

    土地制度史学 39 (4), 34-50, 1997

    土地制度史学会(現 政治経済学・経済史学会)

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