- 巻島 勉
- 東京商船大学
- タイトル別名
- Overtaking : Its Consideration from the Probability Theory
- 追越し-その確率論的考察
- オイコシ シ- ソノ カクリツロンテキ コウサツ
We observed the time of ship's passage on a crossing line at the URAGA Strait. Meanwhile we measured the ship's speed. The author figured the above results on a diagram, of which the abscissa means time and the ordinate distance along the strait. Any slanting line represents passing ship, and the tangent of its slope corresponds the ship's speed. Any crossing point of the two slanting lines shows that overtaking has done at the time and at the place. If we know the distribution of the ship's speed, and if any ship maintains its speed whether other ship exists near her or not, then we can say how many times of overtaking occur in a unit time and unit distance in the strait. The author showed the above principle using the data at URAGA Strait, and the theoretical value coincides very well with the observed one.
- 日本航海学会誌
日本航海学会誌 36 (0), 1-6, 1967
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
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- 110006446715
- AN00188863
- 24330116
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- 8376254
- 本文言語コード
- ja
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