

  • The Horizons of Diasporic Media from the Viewpoint of the Korean Network(Multicultural Society and Media Communication)
  • コリアン・ネットワークから見るディアスポラ・メディア研究の地平
  • コリアン ネットワーク カラ ミル ディアスポラ メディア ケンキュウ ノ チヘイ



This article aims to consider possibilities of studies focusing on transnational media and communication practices of ethnic minorities through an historical exploration of the media and communication networks of the Korean diaspora in East Asia. Diasporas have often been pioneers in adopting cutting-edge technologies in their media practices. Furthermore, it is a subject of growing political and social importance to analyze which aspects of transnational communication diasporic and migrant populations use to stay connected with their homeland. However, in Japan, there has been little research on the topic to date, and it could even be said that such a perspective has been lacking. By focusing on the production and consumption of media cultures by the Korean diaspora in their past and present, we can receive new insights into the areas of cultural politics and identity construction of migrant and diasporic populations in which their identity has been constantly represented, contested and negotiated in their everyday lives. Through this examination, I would like to emphasize a new dimension to and the possibilities for diasporic media studies in Japan.


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